Live Green

Hello. My name is Joe Rivera, and I am the creator of the chemical-free proprietary technology,  Arkeon Chemical-Free Carpet Cleaning. The modern processes involved in using packaged chemicals to clean carpets simply cost too much and pose too many environmental and health hazards. That’s why I invented Arkeon. I discovered the technology to make water into…


Colorful and Deadly

Did you know that mold comes in almost every color? White mold can grow on almost any material and is commonly mistaken for salt deposits on stone masonry. One way to tell whether you have spotted white mold in your home is to splash light water—salt will dissolve, but mold will remain present. Also, salt…


Mold: Causing Your Allergies?

The question of the health concerns of mold has long been discussed. As a fungus that grows rapidly in warm and moist conditions, environments all too common within our doors, mold is a menace most of us are aware of. At least ten percent of the population is actually allergic to mold, but did you…
